In "Vincent"

Great stuff with the Vincent post. I saw this a few years ago at The Animation Show and have been wishing to see it again ever since. thanks!

In "The most inane "lookalike" food yet."


hold on a minute... What is going on here?

I like his attempt at suprise - "WHAT THE?????!!!!!!!!" genuine

In "What was the #1 hit on the day you were born?"

UK: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me by Culture Club US: Jack and Diane by John Cougar good stuff indeed

In "Do you think that bands today foist a lot of crap on the public?"

From the BBC article: The boat was cleaned with disinfectant. good to know that the boat company has sanitary standards that satisfy me...

In "Bj"

Bjork is great and all but I'm getting a little tired of the whole "inspired by the events of 9/11" thing. When is someone going to make an album that is not ispired by those events? (I know many albums fit that category, I'm just in a mood of sorts)

In "The All Music Guide gets reworked."

The tab system is aweful. So much forward and back when it used to all be on one page. I don't see what was wrong with that system. I wonder if there's anyway you can still use the classic layout with the new features...

In "Knit your own edible panties!"

Thats super awesome. Hand knitted edible panties. It suggests spraying them in vegtable oil and then wrapping them to increase durability; i'm not sure if that would be the most comfortable feeling down there...just a thought...

In "R.I.P. Ray Charles"

Night Time is the Right Time is a sexy sexy tune. Also, I've Got a Woman, great vocal strains from Ray and great sax solo.

In "Rockfish"

wow, quite impressive, but at first when i saw the link I thought it had something to do with the band Blur.

In "Curious George: So how old are you really?"

First week of classes at my first year of university was 9/11. It was my first time being away from home. I remember listening to the verdict of the OJ Simpson trial on the radio in my grade 8 classroom. Went to the see the first Matrix movie on its opening night, BEFORE it was big. That would've been about grade 10 or 11.

In "Shake that ass and let me see what you got"

What was with the black Peanutes characters? That was odd.

In "I love ewe:"

oh shit Frogs, that made my laugh out loud.

but why only a sheep? dogs, horses...the possibilities are endless really...

In "Curious George"

well the goods were definitely made in the US, how do I go about getting a Free Trade loophole happening?

can something like this be avoided in the future by marking the value of the package lower? but does that then screw you out of insurance if the package is lost/damaged?

In "A chart showing the comparative prives of various LIQUIDS."

My questions is where did she get the big bag of human blood for the photo?

In "Dust devil tears through Japanese soccer match [video]."

I'll tell Fred Wesleys 2 and 3 to run anything by me before they post

yikes, sorry about that. things seeminly got a little out of control over here...

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)